Information professionals – hip or unhip?

LexisNexis has announced the results of a nationwide (US) survey to provide insights into how information professionals are adding value to their organisations through Web 2.0 technology and knowledge management.

According to the press release, when respondents were asked, “What is the most successful new initiative/service that you have launched in the past year?”, the top response was:

document search, retrieval, delivery, and access enhancements, such as centralizing the document collection into a common ILS or Integrated Library System, OpenURL linking, RSS feed, taxonomy, and library portal integration, development and/or enhancement

That’s a bit of a mouthful! Seems to me it is an aggregation of numerous responses, conveniently added up to achieve top slot.

They also report that information professionals are “very in-tune”, with nearly four in ten accessing blogs at least weekly. That leaves six in ten in the dark ages of the 20th century.

(Hat tip: James Mullan)