(The continuing adventures of Mike Semple Piggot)
From before sparrow’s fart till late into the night Mike SP beavers away producing and publishing news, comment and analysis for our enjoyment and edification. He’s recently rearranged his furniture, and to help you keep up with his whereabouts, here’s a quick run-down.
Nearly ten years ago, Norman Baird and I started a small newswire for our online students and to provide a useful resource for law students. We gave it the name ‘Consilio’. … Consilio.tv is a new venture, a new online magazine, resourced by LegalTraining.tv, totally separate from the old spr-consilio.com which is no longer available online and will have a new style, approach and personality.
I … have stepped down as an editor, on a day to day basis, but I am continuing to provide regular content by writing articles, comment on development and will be a more active participant on the discussion board where I am able to assist, comment or even, advise on matters relating to legal education.
Mike’s alter ego needs no introduction. But, as he is the first to admit, there’s not much law there. And so to …
This essentially replaces the Legal Practitioner Newswire formerly published on spr-consilio.
The insitelaw newswire is intended to provide practitioners and students with a daily online news service with comment and analysis. There is a daily news podcast and I read the papers early each day to find law stories of relevance. “Charon QC” has a different take on the law, when he writes about it. Each day, there will be a short editorial note on the leading stories or developments of interest – and this will be posted onto the insitelaw blog to enable you to participate by commenting, should you wish to do so.
This is already (2 days on) a lively site with great visuals (and podcasts of course), focussing on all the best law stories and comment from the dailies and the blawgosphere.
Still at the idea stage, REDUX Law will be a law resource principally for those studying or keeping up in contract.
Cheers Mike/Charon.