Here’s a proposition: all blawgers not yet on Twitter should tweet … starting now. Don’t hang about.
Why? Let’s not get hung up analysing the possible benefits. If you’re a blawger, you’re already part-persuaded. Twitter is another communication channel / networking tool that’s worth trying. And the more who try, the quicker we’ll realise the potential benefits for the lawyering community.
So, set up an account on Twitter now and follow a handful of others. For some suggestions, try me and those I follow, law.librarian contributors and Legal Voices.
Then tweet a bit: post some thoughts, reply to some who you follow. See what happens.
Plus – important – pipe your blog feed into your account using Twitterfeed. That way every time you post to your blog, the title plus optional excerpt plus link is posted to your account. That’s good for your blog readers who are on Twitter and good for exposing your blog to new readers.
PS. I promise not to twitter on incessantly about Twitter, but with the bit between my teeth, expect a few more in the short term
Sold! Setting up account now…
Yes do! and follow me @infobunny http://www.twitter.com/infobunny
I must say I remain unconvinced. Twitter, whilst natty, seems to me just another procrastination tool (a la Facebook).
What benefit will it be to Conflict of Laws .net if I start twittering? (That’s not rhetorical – it’s a genuine question.)
Nick, I agree everyone who blogs should tweet. I must admit to not being the most prolific twitter but I do my bit!
@martin You’ll never find out if you don’t try.
And it’s probably worth staking a claim to your username or else …
I’m up for a try out – http://twitter.com/nearlylegal
Done, find me at http://twitter.com/u_employed
I’ll leave you all to imagine the wailing and nashing of teeth that accompanied my discovery that usefullyemployed is just one character too long to be a twitter username.
Alright, alright – you can find me here:
I’m always one for new ways of procrastinating, so for that reason alone I’ll give it a shot. Due to the twin curses of a common name and picking stupid nicknames I’m at http://twitter.com/robinfriday